Step-by-Step Guide to Better Digestion
Hiya Gorgeous!
Digestion – Step-by-Step Guide
Did you know that it is not what you eat anymore but rather how efficiently you digest and absorb your food. Here is my quick guide to improve your digestion and your digestive system.
Are you suffering from poor digestion? Even if you are eating the best possible nutrient-dense food, you still may not be absorbing the nutrients your body needs for excellent health.
Chronic diseases such as diabetes, cancer, arthritis, Alzheimer, cardiovascular disease, irritable bowel syndrome, gluten intolerance, psoriasis, bad breath, acid reflux, heartburn, acne, constipation, diarrhea, yeast overgrowth, fatigue, depression, food allergies and mood swings may all have their roots in poor digestion of food.
Poor digestion is also caused by a low level of hydrochloric acid (HCL) in the stomach that can lead (advance) to constipation and encourage the overgrowth of yeast and pathogenic bacteria in the digestive system.
Hydrochloric acid breaks down proteins in the stomach and also acts as an important barrier to microorganisms, such as bacteria.
Increase your Digestive Fire
Taking a one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar with water before each meal can make the stomach a little more acidic. Drinking ginger tea, fresh vegetable juices, especially celery and cabbage juices will improve your digestion and support healthy stomach acid production.
If you are getting a lot of burping and gas, taking Swedish bitters a little bit before you eat can also stimulate digestion.
Support your Body for Easy Digestion
Digestion is a complicated process. This process is significantly aided by digestive enzymes which exist naturally in raw and living foods. When you eat food that comes into your system in live raw form, you preserve your own internal enzyme stores, aiding your digestive processes, breaking down and absorbing nutrients. Enzymes are little sparks a power of life that carry out biological processes in the body such as digestion, detoxification, nerve impulses and body repair.
Enzymes are active when not exposed to heat above 118 F as heating food destroys the enzymes in our food. If you eat only lifeless food and take no additional enzymes, your pancreas has to do all the work. Because of that your entire metabolic enzyme system can become depleted. When you eat cooked food, your body requires more energy for digestion, which can leave you tired the next morning.
You can boost your digestion by taking digestive enzymes. They can help with breakdown, absorption, and utilization of nutrients. If you suffer from bloating and constipation then probably your enzyme production may be low. Digestive enzymes should be taken with meals, especially protein and dairy meals to achieve maximum digestion and nutrient absorption.
Follow the Principle of Food Combining
Careful food combining is also important to improve digestion and heal the body. Even if your diet is all raw and living foods you will still benefit with properly combined, nutrient-dense whole plant foods.
The food combining diet is based on the theory that different food groups are digested optimally when eaten in proper combinations. Easy digestible food is absorbed quickly and its waste eliminated more efficiently.
Probiotics are Essential
Many people suffer from intestinal flora imbalances. Friendly intestinal bacteria in the gut help keep your gut in control and prevent bad bacteria from overgrowth. These friendly bacteria can be eliminated by taking antibiotics, corticosteroid, birth control pills, and poor diet. It is essential to take a good quality probiotics to attain a healthy balance of bacteria in your gut. They are especially helpful when traveling or when eating in the restaurants. I actually take them every day as they also build the immune system.
Also certain fermented foods such as raw sauerkraut, sour pickles and sour beets that feed the friendly lactobacillus bacteria in the colon, can be beneficial to cleanse the harmful intestinal bacteria and contribute to better digestion and assimilation of nutrients.
Drink Bone Broths!
Become conscious of the nutritional value of the food you are eating. Connect with it, smell it, have a relationship with it. Incorporate super bio-energetic foods one at the time. Foods such as raw or sprouted nuts, seeds, grains, grasses, fruits, vegetables, legumes, sea vegetables, and herbs. These foods are easy to digest, they are sources of minerals, vitamins, enzymes, protein, fiber and essential fatty acids that detoxify and cleanse the body. Life-force food allows you to feel lighter, balanced, clear minded, peaceful and in touch.
Love and Light