5 Kegel Exercises for Women: An Ultimate Guide to Improve Orgasm and Urinary Incontinence

5 Kegel Exercises for Women: An Ultimate Guide to Improve Orgasm and Urinary Incontinence

5 Kegel Exercises for Women: An Ultimate Guide to Improve Orgasm and Urinary Incontinence

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5 Kegel Exercises

You probably don’t think about your pelvic floor until you experience occasional minor leaks of urine when you cough, laugh, sneeze, run or having an urge to urinate that’s so sudden and strong you don’t get to a toilet in time. Therefore, it is vital to strengthen your pelvic muscles as this can help stop incontinence, and it can also increase sensitivity during sex and stronger orgasms for women. Furthermore, Kegel exercises for men such as training the pelvic floor muscles can help men reduce the symptoms of erectile dysfunction as well.

Kegel exercises – Pelvic floor muscles are often weakened by pregnancy and child birth, weight gain, jumping, running, heavy weight lifting, surgery and after menopause.

What’s Kegel Exercises

Kegel exercises or pelvic floor muscle exercises were invented by Dr. Arnold H. Kegel, an American gynecologist as non-surgical way of preventing urinary incontinence. These Kegel exercises for women are important to strengthen muscles around the bladder, vagina and back passage. You can feel your pelvic floor muscles if you try to stop the flow of urine midway through emptying the bladder.  

5 Kegel exercises for women can be done laying down, sitting or standing. You can do them just about any time. Try to do at least 40 to 50 Kegel exercises every day. Do them a few while you standing in grocery line, riding the bus or waiting at the stop light.

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5 Kegel Exercises Routine for Women

Kegel exercises – Relax the muscles of your thighs, buttocks and abdomen and breathe freely during the exercises.

1. Contract the pelvic floor muscles by imagining stopping the flow of urine. Try to hold each squeeze for 5 seconds, then relax for 5 seconds, drawing inward and upward. Gradually increase both the length of time and the number of exercises and every week, you can add more squeezes.

2. Squeeze and release the muscles quickly 10 to 15 times in a row

3. Try to hold inward squeeze for a little bit longer (10 seconds or more if you can).

4. Squeeze in the muscles around the back passage as if trying to stop passing wind.

5. The fifth Kegel exercise is the bridge position – the yoga pose.  When you squeeze your abs, you are also contracting your pelvic floor muscles and the good possible side effect of this exercise is an orgasm. This is also great exercise to strengthen the back, buttocks and hamstrings.

How to do the bridge pose?

Lie on your back with arms at your sides.

Bend your knees and place your feet flat on the floor as close to the buttocks as possible.

Slowly lift your buttocks off the floor towards the ceiling as far up as you are able.

Hold this pose for 5 to 10 seconds

To come out of bridge position; exhale, and lower your back slowly down onto the floor.




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