

I have had a problem with my weight for many years and have tried almost every diet out on the market. Initially, I would lose the weight very quickly, but would ultimately gain it all back and some more.
When I came to Simone to help me lose weight, I felt comfortable with her right away. She has a positive, upbeat manner and her passion to help others shines through when she speaks. Her approach for me was to address my weight issues through body, mind and spirit. I had never tried that before. Simone started me on a cleanse first, added supplements according to my needs and told me to listen to my body. She also gave me some great recipes that were easy to make and tasted great. Within a few weeks I had more energy, was happier and I didn’t have any sugar cravings. These were some of my biggest obstacles that kept me from controlling my weight. Best of all, I noticed the weight coming off slowly but steadily. I thank Simone for giving me the tools to continue on a healthy lifestyle.
∼Sandra Mikhaili, Toronto, Canada
“Sexy Fit and Fabulous is practical, comprehensive, and lifechanging. I love getting younger! I have always found Simona’s programs, books and recipes to be phenomenal. Her knowledge, inspiration and guidance are a major influence in my life and health. And she makes it easy!”
~ Karen Brunger
Fresh, feminine and positive, Sexy, Fit and Fabulous reminds us that we are responsible for our own good health – from our shiny hair to our pretty pink toenails – inside and out.
– Lois Ferguson, B.H.Sc., Nutritionist, Professional Home Economist
Simona Stepancic is a practitioner who ” WALKS THE TALK” she is a shining example of what she believes in.
I have finished reading SEXY FIT AND FABULOUS what an awesome book! It is filled with advice, tips, recipes for better health and wellbeing. The book has many great recipes to change your life. Sexy Fit & Fabulous gives you the tools to start your own individual journey to a much better healthy lifestyle.
Thank you Simona Stepancic for your patience, understanding, and guidance to a healthier life for us.
Love and Gratitude
~ Anne & Crichton Dand, Osteopaths
I just wanted to let you know that I’m thrilled! After taking the vitamins that you recommended (minus the magnesium) I have gotten my period one week early and I have mild cramping only. I have not needed reliance on any medications to relieve me of my pain. I’m shocked and I can’t believe it.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! You are the greatest and I can’t wait to see you after I get back from my vacation I will book another session with you.
You are amazing and keep up the great work :J
∼Daniela Mastragostino, AICI CIP
“Simone’s books help people integrate the changes they need to make in their diet to find true health”.
∼Julie Daniluk, TV host and Nutritionist
“You have been a God-send for me, Simona. Thank you very much!
∼K.B., Saskatchewan, Canada
“Thanks for your input, encouragement and optimism”.
∼J.B., Toronto
“Simone has a positive, upbeat manner and her passion to help others shines through when she speaks.”
∼Sandra Mikhaili, Toronto, Canada
“I thank Simone for giving me the tools to continue on a healthy living food lifestyle”.
∼S.M. Toronto
“Thanks for helping me feel healthy and vitalized in a way that is easy and realistic.”
∼Karen Brunger, Toronto
“I am feeling better than I have in a long time and your suggestions helped immensely.”
‘Frustrated and depressed. I tried everything to control my acne flareups. Some products worked but my skin was so dry and I looked horrible. I did not want to use harsh medications and did not want to use birth control products again. Simona was able to suggest diet changes and vitamin supplements that was able to work on my ‘insides’ so my outside appearance would approve. Her wise suggestions and positive coaching proved very useful. Now I’m happy and clear skinned.’
Pozdravljena Simona
Minil je dober teden od najinega druženja ( druženja pravim, ne svetovanja, saj sem ga tako tudi čutila). Namreč vsa tvoja spoznanja in vedenje me je izjemno pritegnilo in mi odprlo neko novo obzorje do sebe in skrbi za sebe. Človeku znaš dati, poleg svojega bogatega znanja podprtega z lastnimi izkušnjami, tudi voljo in motiv, da nekaj narediš zase, za svoje zdravje in počutje. V tem tednu sem z veseljem upoštevala tvoje nasvete in moram reči, da se počutim odlično. Polna sem energije, tudi nasmeh na obrazu je pogostejši. Prepričana sem, da bom tudi z nadležno migreno opravila, slej ko prej, saj se čutim močnejša.
Veselim se najinega naslednjega druženja in HVALA, KER SI!
∼Andreja Kovač Ljubljana, Slovenia
Draga Simona,
vesela sem, da sva se spoznali. Tako prijetno je klepetati z vami, ker se odstirajo nova obzorja in uvidi. Hvala za predavanje in za vse, kar ste naredili za naše društvo in naše člane.
∼Renata Berglez Radic – Predsednica Drustva Bownovih Terapevtov Slovenije
Najprej se vam zahvaljujem za super predavanje in dobro energijo!
∼Andreja Velepec
Vaše predavanje me je navdušilo, hvala!
∼Ksenija Scuka
“Draga Simona, rada bi se ti zahvalila za prve in odlocilne korake k veganstvu, zdravi prehrani, nacinu zivljenja in razmisljanja. Jaz Nika se se ze navadila in vztrajam ter uzivam v 100% veganstvu, moz Dragan se malo cinca ampak ni dalec saj je gurman od glave do pete. Se enkrat hvala za podporo k uresnicitvi zivljenske odlocitve in nacinu zivljenja.“
~ Nika & Dragan