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Freebie: Fresh Raw Vegan Smoothies & Juices Recipes - free downloads
One of my favorite ways to get all the nutrients at once is to juice or blend fruits and vegetables. Inside you will find a variety of my favourite juice, smoothies and nut milks recipes that can cleanse the digestive tract and colon. Fresh juicing conserves the energy required for digestion, and allows the body rest at the same time. Raw juice supplies the water with all the necessary minerals, vitamins, enzymes, phytochemicals and chlorophyll that our body needs.

Free downloads - Freebie: Vegan Pantry Checklist
Set up the pantry list is much easier than traditional cooking. There are a few ingredients that I like to make sure that I always have on hand. Staples for me include nuts and seeds, fruits, veggies, dried fruits, healthy oils, herbs & spices and superfoods.
Subscribe for Fresh Raw Vegan Updates and get a PDF chart of my pantry plan. Just sign up and when you confirm, you will receive an email with a link to the pdf.

Freebie: Sexy Fit & Fabulous Recipe Cards
I’ve created a printable Sexy Fit & Fabulous free sneak peek recipe cards. Enjoy these recipes from my book Sexy Fit & Fabulous. Get the book I created to guide you on your journey to achieve a healthier, harmonious and magical life, experience love, joy, happiness, compassion and peace