Healing Yellow Food Colour
Healing with Yellow Food
Hiya Gorgeous!
Healing yellow food – food carries a vibration, and the color of the food corresponds to a seven energy centers or chakras in the body. A healing yellow food chakra is a link between energy and the physical body.
Healing Yellow Food Colour
The healing yellow food colour chakra is the solar plexus chakra located between the navel and the heart. Associated organs are the stomach, spleen, skin, pancreas, liver, and gallbladder.
Feed your solar plexus chakra with yellow food: bananas, lemons, pineapples, grapefruits, yellow peppers, parsnips, and cinnamon.
Pineapple is rich in beta carotene, B complex, vitamin C, magnesium, potassium, manganese, carbohydrate and fibre. Pineapple contains bromelain, a proteindigesting enzyme, and it has antiviral and antibacterial
Pineapple contains the protein-digesting enzyme bromelaine, which is a powerful anti-inflammatory agent. Banana is soothing for the stomach, and helps balance intestinal flora. Cinnamon is a digestive tonic; it relieves gas and balances blood sugar.
Solar Plexus Chakra: Yellow is the color of the sun and is the color of happiness and cheerfulness.
Eating healing yellow food will help you focus, and aids in concentration.
Banana is a favourite fruit of the sages. Banana is sweet and rich in potassium, vitamin C and pectin. It is essential to sex hormone production, and provides energy and stamina. Banana is very easy to digest when ripe
Banana Kumquat Cream
♥ 4 bananas, sliced thinly
♥ 1/2 tsp of vanilla (Madagascar)
♥ 1-2 kumquats, halved
♥ 5 Medjol dates, pitted and chopped
1. Peel and chop bananas and freeze them for 10 hours.
2. Halve the kumquats, and remove the middles.
3. In a food processor, blend the frozen bananas, kumquat skins, vanilla, and chopped dates until the mixture is soft and fluffy.
Love & Light