Healing Red Food Colour
Healing with Red Food
Hiya Beauties,
Healing Red Food colour- Do you know that food carries a vibration, and the colour of the food corresponds to an energy center or chakra in the body.
A chakra is a link between energy and the physical body.
Today I want to introduce you to a chakra colors – red. The red color chakra is located at the base of the spine (also called root chakra or Muladhara ) and is a basic survival center in the body. Associated organs are adrenal glands, kidneys, bladder, legs and feet.
Healing Red Food Colour
Feed your root chakra, Muladhara with red food: beets, red peppers, red radishes, tomatoes, red apples, strawberries, cherries, red grapes, and raspberries.
Red food contains high amounts of vitamin C, which strengthens the adrenals, colon, connective tissues and artery walls. Eating red food is also beneficial for people who have back pain, poor circulation, poor blood, and anemia.
Red food will give you confidence and well-being. If you are tired, cold, depressed, and have little energy, then you are probably missing red from your food.
Radishes are considered diuretic, and are a beautifying food. They are especially beneficial for skin, hair, nails, teeth and gums. I add red radishes to salads and wraps; usually, I eat them with my home-made dips or just on their own with a little bit of sea salt. Red radishes add sweetness, punginess and colour to your dish.
Calamata Olives
Kalamata olives are one of the healthiest foods in the world. Olives and olive oil are beautifying foods high in vitamin E, which erases fine lines and wrinkles.
Red Radish Salad
A simple radish salad as a side dish for your dinner. Radishes are considered diuretic and are the most beautifying food
♥ 10 red radishes, sliced
♥ ½ cup oregano, fresh
♥ 5 calamata olives, pitted and chopped
♥ 2 shallots, finely chopped
♥ 2 tablespoons olive oil
♥ Celtic sea salt, to taste
♥ 1 teaspoon of lemon juice, freshly squeezed
1. Mix all ingredients together in a salad bowl, and enjoy!