How to Dry Skin Brush Your Amazing Body

How to Dry Skin Brush Your Amazing Body

How to Dry Skin Brush

How to Dry Skin Brush Your Amazing Body


Hiya Gorgeous,

Body cleansing has been around for thousands of years. In ancient times people cleansed the body and the mind. Detoxification today is even more important than in ancient times. Our environment exposes us to millions of pounds of chemicals. Toxins such as pesticides, herbicides, plastics, petrochemicals, heavy metals, smoke, and prescription drugs irritate our bodies, making them more prone to disease and ailments such as allergies, cancer, arthritis, heart disease etc. Our bodies are overloaded and work overtime to eliminate toxic materials from tissues and organs.

Detoxification helps the body open all channels of elimination via the colon, skin, lungs, kidneys, liver, digestive system and lymphatic system, to remove toxins and waste deposits. These specialized organs are involved in regulating and removing dangerous toxicity from the body to maintain harmony and balance. Sometimes our eliminative organs are not working well, and for this reason we need to assist them for the first two to three weeks.

So, dry brushing the skin is a wonderful way to stimulate our circulation and help with lymphatic drainage. It increases cell skin renewal, makes our skin smooth and soft, removes cellulite, tightens the skin and strengthens the immune system.

How to Properly Dry Brush Your Body – Dry Brush Body Technique

Use a soft natural fiber brush; avoid synthetic bristles as they can be too hard on the skin.

Always dry brush your skin before you shower.

Start at your feet and toes and use long strokes to brush toward your heart and up. 

Avoid tender areas where the skin is thin around the breasts and face and avoid moles and birth marks. 

Brush your stomach using circular motions clockwise.

 Brush your hands from your fingers up to your shoulders towards the heart.

How often to dry brush your body. Dry brush your skin every morning and evening before bathing for 5 minutes.

 After brushing take a nice shower to remove all those dead skin cells.

 Towel-dry the whole body and apply sesame, coconut or almond oil to soften the skin.

Wash your brush every two to three weeks with a soap and water. 

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Cleansing the body is one of the best ways to restore vitality and remain healthy in a polluted environment.

Love and Light






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