Cauliflower Crust Pizza
Cauliflower crust pizza recipe – vegan gluten free pizza is just delicious. All raw ingredients with macadamia cheese, the sweet fragrance and colour of tomato sauce, and amazing toppings. Simple and satisfying, always a hit.
Cauliflower belongs to cruciferous vegetable family. It contains a huge amount of antioxidants such as quercetin, rutin, beta carotene and ferulic acid just to name a few. Also, cauliflower is high in vitamin C, vitamin K, choline, folate, phosphorous and potassium. Furthermore, it contains a full array of nutrients, including soluble and insoluble fiber, protein, amino acids, vitamins and minerals.
Cauliflower can be also steamed and then pureed. You can enjoy raw cauliflower florets as a snack dipped in a sauce, pate or hummus. And simply great as raw vegan pizza.
Cauliflower Crust Pizza Recipe
♥ 2 medium head cauliflower, florets
♥ 1 ½ cup sunflower seeds
♥ 4 cloves of garlic
♥ ½ cup fresh basil leaves
♥ ½ cup flaxseeds, golden
♥ ½ freshly squeezed lemon
♥ 1 tbsp dried oregano
♥ Himalayan salt to taste
1. Soak sunflower seeds for 4 hours
2. Pour the flaxseed into a blender and blend it for 2 minutes until you get a fine powder.
3. Process ½ of the cauliflower florets in the food processor and set aside.
4. Process the other half of the cauliflower.
5. Place the other cauliflower florets back to the food processor
6. Add sunflower seeds, garlic, lemon juice, salt, oregano, fresh basil leaves and process
7. Place golden flaxseed powder in a bowl; add cauliflower mixture and stir gently with a spatula until it is a thick paste.
8. Place Teflex sheets on dehydrator trays.
9. Spread paste – cauliflower pizza base, that is ½ inch thick into 6-inch mini rounds or bigger 10-inch
10. Dehydrate cauliflower pizza base at 145 F for ½ hour, then at 115 for 4 to 6 hours.
Vegan Cauliflower Pizza Crust
♥ 3 tbsp. sun-dried tomatoes, chopped
♥ ¼ cup fresh basil leaves
♥ ½ red bell peppers, cut them into cubes
♥ ½ yellow bell peppers, cut them into strips
♥ ½ green peppers, sliced
♥ 2 scallions (green onions), sliced
♥ Fresh arugula
♥ Cherry tomatoes
1. Spread each pizza crust with macadamia or cashew cheeze.
2. Add sundried tomato sauce.
3. Add assorted topings