Rejuvenate Wellness
7 Ways to Rejuvenate your Body and Soul
Hiya Beautiful!
Rejuvenate – How many of you have declared this winter that you are going to get in shape before summer? You are trying on your bathing suit and perhaps you see an extra roll around the tummy or flabby muscles on your arms; you may not be as firm as you would like to be.
Stop abusing yourself with bad eating habits, negative thoughts and inactivity! Kick start a sluggish metabolism, improve your well-being and rejuvenate your body and soul at the deepest level..
Rejuvenate you – Body and Soul
To rejuvenate your body and soul is to eat natural whole plant-based foods. These energy-rich foods are organic nuts, seeds, sprouts, vegetables, grasses, sea vegetables and fruits. They will nourish you with protein, vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids, fiber, organic water and phytonutrients. Phytonutrients are naturally occurring substances that plants create for their own protection and give plants their colour, flavour, taste and resistance to disease. In addition they are beneficial for humans as they boost the immunity, fight disease and slow down the aging process.
1. Rejuvenate the Skin with Protein
Protein is an abundant substance in our body and is the major constituent of every living cell. The protein that comes from the food we eat, the body breaks down into amino acids. There are 20 amino acids that are considered important. Eight of these amino acids are considered essential because the body cannot make them, and therefore must be obtained from the diet. The other 12 can be synthesized by the body from these original eight.
Skin, hair, nails, eyes, muscles, nerve-transmission chemicals, antibodies, hormones and most of the organic material in plants and flesh in animals are proteins.
Living cells use protein (amino acids) to repair and build the body tissues including muscles, organs, skin and hair. We need a constant supply of protein for cell building and maintenance. When we consume less protein than our body requires, than the body breaks down lean mass from muscles, organs, bones and cartilage. Protein keeps you energized, alert, balances blood sugar, and is needed for healthy cells. Furthermore for maintenance of lean muscle tissue, and formation of happy hormones such as serotonin and dopamine.
Arugula, chlorella, spirulina, goji berries, flaxseeds, hemp seeds, bee pollen, maca, almonds and sprouted grains are all easy digestible sources of amino acids. Also they are the building blocks of protein. You can also use hemp, rice, or whey protein in shakes. Blend the protein with water and add some fresh or frozen berries. Protein shakes will keep you energized and you will be able to work out longer. But that is not all: with the right protein sources you are able to build a beautiful, lean and healthy body. I recommend that you include more green leafy vegetables in you diet which are the ideal source of amino acids. Cooked animal protein coagulates; it is hard to digest and also causes inflammation in the body.
2. Fiber
Fiber is essential for the elimination of toxins from the bowel. It is the part of plant food that your body cannot digest. There are two types of fibre – soluble and insoluble. Insoluble fibre speeds up elimination and does not dissolve in water. It is found in whole grain breads, cauliflower, dried beans, flaxseeds, fruit skins, and whole grain pasta. Soluble fibre dissolves in water and soaks all the toxins in the bowel. It is found in apples, oranges, lentils, beets, and carrots.
We need at least 35 grams, and ideally 40 to 70 grams of fiber-rich food daily for bowels to work efficiently. Unfortunately, many people are walking around constipated with digestive and intestinal problems. Fiber slows the release of sugar into the bloodstream and prevents insulin from spiking above the normal levels. It improves the transit time and lowers the glycemic index of food. In addition fibre makes you feel full when eating, and therefore it is very useful for weight management.
3. Carbohydrates
Complex carbohydrates are the most important nutrients to fuel our body and increase stamina. There are two types of carbohydrates – simple and complex. Simple are usually processed and found in bread, white pasta, white rice, baked white potatoes, potato chips, rice cakes, pastries, cakes, ice cream, white sugar, and corn chips. These carbohydrates are low in minerals and have high glycemic index. The glycemic index is a system that measures how fast carbohydrate-containing foods raise blood sugar levels in the body. Low glycemic index food causes a slow rise in circulating blood sugar. It reduces cravings, helps with satiation, improves eating habits and balances weight.
High glycemic index food will cause a sharp spike and raise insulin levels very fast. If we have too much insulin in our system the body cannot access body fat as a fuel source. Eating processed carbohydrates causes inflammation and irritates our organs and tissues. But that is not all: they lead to addiction and create hypoglycemia and diabetes. Balance is the key, and to maintain blood sugar balance we need to eat complex carbohydrates that take longer to digest and prevent a fast rise in blood sugar.
The best source of carbohydrates to fuel our body is homegrown organic fruits rich in minerals and low in sugar. Sweet potatoes are an excellent choice because they contain more minerals and less sugar than white potatoes. Ancient grain breads such as kamut and spelt are also superb.
Other sources of fruits that I love are apples, berries (strawberries, raspberries, cranberries, blueberries, and blackberries), figs, mangoes, pears, avocado, coconut water, papayas, citrus fruit, apricots, peaches, plums, and cherries.
Vegetables are another good source of complex carbohydrates found in artichokes, red peppers, spinach, dark green leafy vegetables and lettuces, broccoli, celery, tomatoes, cabbage, onions and garlic.
4. Water
Water is essential for healing as it lubricates tissues, flushes wastes and toxins from the body. It also hydrates the skin, and transports minerals, vitamins, proteins and sugars around the body for assimilation. It is also crucial for rebuilding and repairing body tissues and helps with weight loss. Chronic dehydration can slows the metabolic rate, and delays excretion of waste. When you feel sluggish, tired, and with no energy, think about your daily water intake. It is important to drink water between meals. Have a bottle of water with you wherever you go and never wait until you have a dry mouth or feel thirsty. By this time you are already dehydrated. Keep your body well hydrated, reduce fatigue and prevent injuries during sport training.
Finally it is recommended approximately ten glasses of reverse osmosis water every day. The amount depends on climate, stress, exercise and also the amount of cooked food that you are eating daily.
5. Raw Fats
Fats and oils are made of building blocks called essential fatty acids. They cannot be made by the body; they must be supplied in the diet. There are two main fats that are essential – Omega-6 linoleic acid and Omega-3 alpha-linolenic acid. These EFA’s are transformed into hormone-like prostaglandins that increase hormonal communication. These fats are beneficial for circulation, brain development and immune function, and they encourage cells to burn more body fat.
Avocado, olives, stone-crushed olive oil, raw nuts, raw nut butters, and seeds such as pumpkin, sunflower, sesame, hemp seed, flaxseed, coconut butter and young coconuts are excellent sources of good raw fats that can help you lose weight. Raw fats also contain lipase enzymes which allow body fat to be burned.
6. Exercise
Exercise is essential to add muscles to your body and to increase lean muscle and build stronger bones resistance, training is so essential. In addition with weight training we can increase the lean muscle and strength. Also according to Brad King a fitness expert, the more we enhance our muscle function, the better our metabolism. Furthermore we can burn more fat in 24 hours a day – even while we sleep.
Furthermore it is important to balance weight training with other forms of exercise such as walking, running, cycling, skiing, and yoga. In addition it will strengthen your whole body – muscles, nerves, blood, glands, lungs, heart, brain, mind and mood.
7. Nourishing Sleep
Get enough good quality sleep because it is very important to feel rested, calm and re-energized in the morning. Sleep nourishes our nervous system, relaxes muscles and also helps with weight management. When we sleep we release Growth Hormone that stimulates the growth of body tissues, organs and muscles. Go to sleep at the same time every night and wake up at the same time every morning. In addition try to sleep in a quiet, well-ventilated room, and in complete darkness. Practice relaxation and meditation before sleep to help better cope with stress. Avoid sugar snacks and alcohol before bed.
In conclusion with proper healthy food choices and regular exercise you will be able to rejuvenate and build a stronger, fitter and younger body for life.
Love and Light