Special Valentine’s Day Breakfast Menu: Feel The Love

Special Valentine’s Day Breakfast Menu: Feel The Love

Special Valentine’s Day Breakfast Menu: Feel The Love


Hiya Sweetheart,

Valentine’s day breakfast menu – Show your love and affection and treat your sweetheart with a special breakfast. It is an expression of love, gratitude and connectivity to your partner. Let your loved one know that he or she is important to you. Bring romance into your life and feel the passion.

Setting the mood with a cheerful table decoration is as important as the food on the plate.  I like white tablecloth; it goes very beautifully with gold and red. You can use gold rim water or coupe glasses and white plates and sprinkle some red rose petals on the table. Light red candles on your table preferably from beeswax. They are natural, clean burning, healthy and smell delicious. Pure beeswax candles smell pleasant and the smell will not interfere with the smell of your wonderful delicious nutritious meal.

Express the love and start this lovely day with the romantic Valentine’s day breakfast menu that I prepared for you. It will nourish your senses, body and soul and bring attraction to each other. Food affects us how we feel and good nutrition is the foundation of our sexual vitality.

Get more delicious, nutritious recipes in my new book Sexy Fit and Fabulous.


Rose Petals, Hibiscus and Ginger Tea

Make your own aphrodisiac herbal tea with rose petals, hibiscus and ginger

2 tsp rose petals

2 tsp hibiscus

1 tsp ginger, grated

1. Mix all herbs together.

2. Use 2 tsp. per cup of boiled water

3. Steep for 10 minutes


Apple Biscuits

1 cup almonds (soaked overnight)

2 cups flaxseeds

2 cups carrot pulp

6 apples, peeled and cored

½ cup Medjol dates

1 tbsp vanilla powder

¼ cup coconut flakes

2 tbsp coconut oil

2 tbsp cinnamon powder

Pinch of Celtic salt

1. Soak Medjol dates for 4 hours.

2. Mix apples in a food processor until smooth

3. Combine the applesauce, carrot pulp and almonds in a bowl

4. Add also cinnamon, vanilla powder, coconut oil, coconut flakes, Medjol dates and pinch of salt

5. Mix flaxseed and water in a blender

6. Add flaxseed mixture to the applesauce and carrot pulp mixture

7. Measure mini rounds approximately half cup of the dough onto dehydrator trays

8. Dehydrate at 145 F for 2 hours, then flip, remove Teflex sheets and dehydrate for another 7 hours.

How to make carrot pulp:

1. To make carrot pulp you need to juice carrots and use what is left over.

2. The pulp gives my cookies lighter texture.

Coffee Mocha Cream Shake

½ cup young coconut meat or coconut milk

Raw cacao powder

1 shot of organic espresso coffee

½ to 1 tbsp. raw coconut nectar

Ice cubes according to taste

1. Mix all ingredients in a food processor until smooth.


Lovely Coconut Apple Salad

2 Royal Gala apples, diced

½ avocado

½ cup coconut, dry shredded

½ cup coconut milk

1 small Meyer lemon, freshly squeezed

1. Combine apples, avocado, shredded coconut, and lemon in a mixing bowl.

2. Pour the coconut milk into the salad mixture.

3. Chill for ½ hour and serve.

4. Add stevia or raw coconut nectar if you would like a sweeter taste

CHARMING DESSERT – Valentine’s Day Gifts for Him or for Her

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Happy Valentines Day!



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