Avocado Dip

Avocado Dip


Avocado Dip

Avocado Dip – A great addition to sun-dried tomato crackers. A perfect appetizer for lazy Sunday afternoons.

AVOCADO – Avocado Dip

Avocado is a sensual fruit, and a powerful stimulant and aphrodisiac. It is a traditional remedy for erectile dysfunction. It is also a good source of beta carotene, potassium and folate, nutrients good for circulation and the heart. Avocado contains monounsaturated fat that helps maintain levels of good cholesterol.

Avocado, sweet and easy to digest, pairs beautifully with the sweetness of red pepper. and adds creaminess to the salad. Also, the combination of avocado and beet adds a delightful blend of sweetness and creaminess to the perfect appetizer. Yumm!


Lemons are excellent liver detoxifiers and are antibacterial, astringent and antiseptic. They are high in vitamin C and Potassium. Lemons cleanse the digestive system, purify the blood, lower cholesterol and stimulate bile production, which help cleanse the liver. Have a glass of warm water with freshly squeezed lemon first thing in the morning to start your detox day. 


Celtic salt is a complex, balanced mixture of the essential minerals our body needs and craves, in almost the exact proportions required. Chemical analysis of Celtic Sea Salt is almost identical to that of the salty “mini ocean” for the fetus – amniotic fluid – in which we were created. The body runs on salt.  Without properly balanced salt we run out of electrolytes and our “batteries die out”.  Refined table salt, and even so-called “sea salts” found in grocery stores, are mostly sodium chloride that promote pathological calcification and a breakdown of cellular tissue.  When people talk about ‘salt’ they overlook the fact that there are approximately 82 other elements in natural Celtic Sea Salt, which serve as a buffer to protect from the harshness of pure sodium chloride.  Nature includes this buffer to ensure our bodies use the sodium properly, and that once it has been utilized, that it will be eliminated completely and quickly through the kidneys.


1 avocado, peeled and pitted

1 lemon, freshly squeezed

1 clove of garlic ¼ tsp.

Celtic sea salt

Fresh ground black pepper to taste

½ cup coconut milk

1. Process all ingredients in a blender until creamy.




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