Healing with Blue Food

Healing with Blue Food

Healing Blue Food Colour

Healing with Blue Food


Hiya Beautiful,

Healing blue food colour – food carries a vibration, and the colour of the food corresponds to an energy center or chakra in the body.  A chakra is a link between energy and the physical body.

The blue colour chakra is the throat chakra located in the throat at the base of the neck.  Associated organs are the throat, thyroid, and ears.

Feed your throat chakra with blue food:  blueberries, bilberries, blue grapes, seaweed, kelp, and blue cabbage.

Blue food is rich in flavonoids, and has cooling, soothing, relaxing and calming effects on the body.  Blueberries lower cholesterol, cleanse the kidneys and help with circulation. Kelp contains iodine, which helps with thyroid function. Blue lowers blood pressure, helps people with respiratory problems, is anti-inflammatory, and antiseptic. It is one of the most healing colours for children. Blue food can be used to awaken intuition, and help ease loneliness. 

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Blueberries – Healing blue food Colour

Blueberries have one of the highest antioxidant capacities among all fruits. Antioxidants are essential to optimizing health by helping to combat the free radicals that can damage cellular structures and DNA. Blueberries are high in phytonutrients and anthocyanins – the antioxidant pigments that give foods their colourBlueberries are also rich in proanthocyanidins, which can reverse inflammation, and have anti-aging properties.

Blueberry Pie


1 cup almonds, soaked over night

1 cup dates, Medjol, soaked for 2 hours

Pinch of Celtic sea salt


1. Grind the almonds in a blender until flour consistency.

2. Transfer the almond flour to a food processor, add dates, salt, and blend thoroughly.

3. Form a ball.

4. Place the ball into a cake pan a gently press to form a crust.


1½ cups blueberries, fresh or frozen

 1 to 2 tablespoons cacao powder

½ cup dates, Medjol

1. In a food processor mix blueberries, cacao powder and dates.

2. Fill the pie shell.

3. Place in a freezer for one hour before serving.



