Angel Hair Pasta – Arugula Piquante Sauce

Angel Hair Pasta with Arugula Piquante Sauce
Angel Hair Pasta-Arugula Piquante Sauce, one of my zucchini recipes. Taken from my new book Sexy Fit & Fabulous: 130 Raw Food Recipes, Tools & Tips for Radiant Health, A Slim Body, Abundant Energy and Timeless Beauty
ARUGULA – Angel Hair Pasta-Arugula Piquante Sauce
Arugula, also known as roquette or rocket; is a pungent and highly alkaline cruciferous vegetable. It neutralizes acid waste products from the blood and lymphatic system, and has antiviral and antibiotic properties.
In addition, arugula contains dithiolethiones, which is an anticancer and antioxidant compound recommended by the American Cancer Society. Arugula contains beta carotene, vitamin A, calcium, iron and sulphur. Sulphur is the mineral that can detoxify the liver, create mineralized hair and nails, and glowing skin.
Arugula’s strong and spicy peppery/ mustardy flavour gives a little punch when mixed with milder greens and salads. And it’s easy to grow; I just picked some young leaves of arugula from my garden in mid-October.
Squash has been cultivated in the Americas for six thousand years. The word squash is from the Native American askootasquash meaning, ‘eaten raw’. Zucchini or summer squash is alkaline, diuretic and anti-inflammatory. It contains beta-carotene, vitamin C, calcium and magnesium. The flowers are also edible and can be stuffed with a variety of different patés. Look for a squash that is blemish free.
Angel Hair Pasta with Arugula Piquante Sauce
Here it is a zucchini pasta. A great alternative to pasta dishes, even for those who are not vegetarian. Zucchini is alkaline, packed with nutrients and blends perfectly with delicious arugula piquante sauce.
♥ 5 small zucchini, peeled and cut on half
♥ ½ cup of Arugula Piquante sauce
1. Using a Spiralizer, slice zucchini into angel-hair noodles.
2. Place angel-hair noodles into a mixing bowl and sprinkle with lemon and olive oil.
3. Toss Arugula Piquante Sauce with the zucchini.
4. Serve with cherry tomatoes and fresh basil on a top.
NOTE: You can also use Vegan Bolognese Sauce instead of Arugula Piquante Sauce.