Food Affects Mood

Foods That Can Affects Us How We Feel
Hiya Beautiful,
I am introducing you to the chapter 23 – Edible Aphrodisiacs – food affects mood, from my new book Sexy Fit & Fabulous: 130 Raw Food Recipes, Tools & Tips for Radiant Health, A Slim Body, Abundant Energy and Timeless Beauty
Food affects mood and good nutrition is the foundation of our sexual vitality. Excessive sugar, saturated fat, and processed foods can deplete sexual desire, mood and energy level. Foods that are fresh and live, such as leafy green vegetables, sunflower and pumpkin seeds, nuts, and deliciously rich chocolate made from pure cacao, will boost your energy and stamina.
Food affects mood and according to ancient wisdom tradition, certain foods are edible aphrodisiacs.
♥ Asparagus
Asparagus has long been used as an aphrodisiac – because of its phallic shape and also because it increases circulation in the genitourinary system. Asparagus is packed with nutrients, such as vitamins E, B, C, iodine, potassium, zinc and folate. It also boosts vitality and is needed for healthy hormone production
♥ Avocado
Avocado is a sensual fruit, and a powerful stimulant and aphrodisiac. It is rich in essential fatty acids, vitamin E and B complex. Avocado is a traditional remedy for erectile dysfunction. It is also a good source of beta carotene, potassium and folate, nutrients good for circulation and the heart. Avocado contains monounsaturated fat that helps maintain levels of good cholesterol.
♥ Banana
Banana is a favourite fruit of the sages. Banana is sweet and rich in potassium, vitamin C and pectin. It contains the anti-inflammatory enzyme bromelain, which increases the production of testosterone and provides energy and stamina.
♥ Celery
Celery is an aphrodisiac rich in folic acid, beta carotene, vitamin C, calcium, magnesium, potassium, silica and fiber. Celery contains androsterone, a potent male pheromone which is released through perspiration after eating. Androsterone is thought to attract females. Eat a lot of raw celery and you could increase your natural production of pheromones.
♥ Figs
Figs are luscious soft plump fruits, rich in folic acid, iron, magnesium, calcium, phosphorous and potassium.
♥ Mango
Mango is an exotic tropical fruit with a sweet fragrance. It strengthens the heart and provides energy and stamina. It contains vitamin C and E, potassium and magnesium.
♥ Pumpkin Seeds
Pumpkin seeds, can increase libido in both men and women. Pumpkin seeds contain zinc, which increases testosterone levels. Zinc increases sex drive in women, because it can block the enzyme that converts testosterone to estrogen. Zinc is also essential for prostate health in men, as a deficiency can lead to prostate enlargement and impotency. Have a ¼ cup of raw pumpkin seeds a day!
♥ Raspberries
Raspberries are a sexy fruit – sweet-and-sour. They are a good source of vitamin C, magnesium and potassium.
♥ Raw Cacao
Raw cacao is considered by the Aztecs to be the nourishment of gods. Raw cacao is a super-food high in sulfur, magnesium, iron, copper, phosphorous, calcium, potassium, vitamin A, B, C, D, and E. It is super rich in antioxidants (the richest source of any food). Raw Cacao is an aphrodisiac; it contains high levels of tryptophan, the precursor to feel-good hormone serotonin, the happy hormone which positively affects your emotions, as well as dopamine and anandamide, which increase feelings of bliss and well-being.
♥ Sunflower seeds
Sunflower seeds also contain zinc, needed to produce testosterone. They are excellent for strengthening the nervous system, lowering cholesterol and preventing heart disease. Sunflower seeds build energy and increase sexual vigor in both men and women.
♥ Vanilla
Vanilla is best known as an aphrodisiac. Vanilla has a powerful scent, which is believed to arouse sexual desire.