Healing Cancer Naturally

Healing Cancer Naturally

Healing Cancer Naturally

Healing Cancer Naturally


Hi Beautiful,

Healing cancer naturally

It could be your mother, your cousin, your sister…and it was my sister, diagnosed with breast cancer. We were heart broken and devastated. The first thought that came to my mind was;

how can I help her heal breast cancer naturally? There is no one who has absolutely no risk of getting cancer. One-third of cancers are preventable with simple changes in diet and lifestyle, according to the American Institute for Cancer Research.

Especially is important to start making simple adjustments right now. Nourish your cells with a plant based raw food diet to prevent cancer from occurring. But what is living raw plant food? Raw food is living food that has not been heated at high temperatures or processed by any means. Furthermore raw food is digested easily; it strengthens the immune system, helps with memory and concentration, and cleanses and detoxifies the body. But that is not all. Raw food has more nutrients and fibers than cooked food. It contains enzymes that are active when not exposed to heat above 118º F.

Additionally, cooking produces free radicals in food; it damages fats and oils, changing them into trans-fatty acids, which are bad for our health. Furthermore, cooking disrupts the structure of indoles which are anti-cancer compounds found in fresh fruits and vegetables. According to Dr. Kouchakoff, cooking food at or above 200º F causes leukocytosis (an increasing number of white blood cells). Hence, it means that the body is reacting to something harmful; it recognizes cooked food as an invader that must be neutralized. Eating organic, fresh living raw plant food such as colourful fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds, legumes, sea vegetables, freshly made juices, and sprouted grains is essential for your health.

If you think that healthy foods are boring with no taste – think again! Healthy foods can be as mouth-watering as crusty pizza, creamy pasta or decadent chocolate cake. You can eat whatever you want, as much as you want, and whenever you want. You can heal your body, shed extra weight, increase your energy and look and feel younger.

Ann Wigmore, a founder of the Raw Living Food movement, healed herself of gangrene and later, colon cancer.  She taught raw living foods philosophy, and the health benefits of wheat grass and other living foods.

1. Healing Cancer with Superfoods

Vegetables, especially cruciferous vegetables such as cabbage, broccoli, kale, cauliflower, and Brussels sprouts are rich in phytochemicals. Phytochemicals are naturally occurring substances that plants create for their own protection. They give plants their colour, flavour, taste and resistance to disease.  They are beneficial for humans as they boost immunity, fight disease, reduce carcinogens from being formed, and slow down the aging process.

Indoles block the effectiveness of estrogen which helps protect against breast cancer and uterine cancer. According to scientists, broccoli contains sulphoraphane which boosts the body’s own detoxification system by clearing carcinogen substances more quickly.

Dark bitter greens such as endive, arugula, dandelion greens, watercress, kale, parsley, collard greens, mustard greens and spinach are also cancer fighters. They are packed with vitamin C, vitamin A, calcium, magnesium, beta carotene and chlorophyll. They are also anti-inflammatory and detoxify your body.

2. Get Juicy

Juice your organic green vegetables. They are fresh, easy to absorb and are available to every cell in the body. Their enzymes aid in digestion, assimilation, and detoxification. One glass of pure, raw, fresh juice per day will help improve the immune system and in increase energy.

Buy a good quality juicer that can juice all vegetables and plant food, including stems, peels, seeds and grass.


 Wheatgrass – healing cancer

contains vitamins, minerals and live enzymes; it purifies, detoxifies and builds the blood.  Wheat grass contains chlorophyll, which helps to carry oxygen to every cell in the body. Oxygen will help fight off disease, bad bacteria and cancer. My sister takes 2 ounces of wheat grass a day on an empty stomach. Wheat grass must be juiced in order for our body to assimilate all of the nutrients.

Wheat grass is used at health spas and retreats around the world to treat cancer.


 Spirulina – healing cancer

is a blue-green algae found in warm alkaline and saline lakes and ponds in Central and South America and Africa.  A green superfood rich in chlorophyll, it contains complete protein, minerals, carotenoids, all B-complex including high amount of B12, and essential fatty acids. Spirulina can boost your immune system and increase energy. It is an excellent detoxifier and blood cleanser. Spirulina is available in powder, tablets, liquid and capsules. You can add spirulina to protein powder smoothies, soups, salads or stir a teaspoon into a glass of water.


Green asparagus – healing cancer

is loaded with vitamins and minerals such as folic acid, vitamin C, B6 and thiamin. It contains phytochemical glutathione, which has antioxidant and anti-carcinogenic properties. Glutathione also boosts the immune system and detoxifies the body. According to the National Cancer Institute, asparagus is the highest tested food. Asparagus contains glutathione, one of the body’s most potent cancer fighters. Asparagus is best eaten raw, steamed or liquid (juiced).


Arugula – healing cancer

also known as roquette or rocket; is a pungent and highly alkaline cruciferous vegetable. It neutralizes acid waste products from the blood and lymphatic system and has antiviral and antibiotic properties. Arugula contains dithiolethiones which is an anticancer and antioxidant compound. American Cancer Society recommends arugula. Arugula contains beta carotene, vitamin A, calcium, iron and sulphur. Sulphur is the mineral that will detoxify your liver, create mineralized hair, nails and glowing skin. Arugula’s strong and spicy peppery/mustardy flavour gives a little punch when mixed with milder greens and salads.


Turmeric – healing cancer

is an Indian curry spice. People were using it for thousands of years in Ayurvedic medicine to treat inflammation and gastrointestinal problems. Turmeric is a potent antioxidant, anti-cancer and anti-microbial agent. In addition turmeric contains iron and manganese. It is a good source of fibre, potassium and vitamin B6. Curcumin flavonoid in Turmeric is an anti-oxidant and is responsible for the prevention and treatment of cancer. Moreover it enhances the liver’s ability to eliminate dangerous carcinogens and purifies the blood, which helps clear the skin of pimples, acne and other impurities. Turmeric has a peppery and bitter flavour. You can use turmeric in salads, salad dressings, smoothies, juicing and lentil recipes.



are sweet and alkaline. They contain fiber, beta carotene, vitamin B, C, D, E and K, calcium, phosphorous, pottasium. zeahanthin, lutein and thousands of  phytonutrients. Carotenoids destroy free radicals before they do any cell damage. In addition they decrease heart disease, prevent cataracts and support the immune system. Furthermore research shows that carrots may be the best cancer fighting vegetable of all. So I suggest a slow transition to a healthy diet to allow the body to shift automatically into the new pattern. My recommendation is a step-by-step approach, beginning with more organic fresh, live food.

Choosing organic food is not just to avoid pesticides, but to obtain the higher levels of vitamins and minerals that organic foods contain. In addition studies show that pesticides and herbicides deprive foods of vitamins, minerals, enzymes and macronutrients.

In conclusion, the information presented in this article is only for the information and education of people who want to eat healthy and make informed decisions. So, I do not make any claims that raw food diet will work for you or even save your life.

Love and Light






















































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