Best Foods
6 Best Foods that Heal and Beautify
Hi Beautiful!
Do you know that foods we eat daily shape our body, emotions, mind and spirit. What we eat and how we eat also reflects a state of harmony within ourselves, the environment and the planet.
Food heals, prevents, and in some cases fights disease. Certain food can make us beautiful, while some causes inflammation in the body. Knowing this, it is easier to become conscious about our food choices. Eating organic, fresh living plant food such as fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds, sea vegetables, sprouts, and high quality oils is essential to get the glow, and experience vibrancy and aliveness.
The goal is to eat as many anti-aging antioxidants and anti-inflammatory foods as possible to boost the immunity and obtain lustrous hair, vibrant glowing skin, and strong healthy nails.
Best Foods that Heal & Beautify
♥ Arugula – best foods
Is also known as roquette or rocket; is a pungent and highly alkaline cruciferous vegetable. It neutralizes organic acid waste products from the blood and lymphatic system. In addition arugula has antiviral and antibiotic properties. contains dithiolethiones which is an anticancer and antioxidant compound recommended by American Cancer Society.
Arugula contains beta carotene, vitamin A, calcium, iron and sulphur. Sulphur is the mineral that will detoxify your liver, create mineralized hair, nails and glowing skin.
Arugula’s strong and spicy peppery/mustardy flavour gives a little punch when mixed with milder greens and salads. I use arugula regularly in my freshly made pates and salads.
♥ Watercress – best foods
Is a cruciferous vegetable in the mustard family. It has a bitter sweet taste and is rich in chlorophyll, vitamin C and E, beta-carotene, and vitamin A. Watercress also contains iron, manganese, iodine and sulfur. In addition it is highly alkaline and also neutralizes acid in your blood and body. It also stimulates bile, detoxifies the liver, and has been used in treatments for eczema, dermatitis, hair loss, and gout.
Since watercress has a tangy taste and smell it can be used on salads with dips, pates, and soups or added to vegetable juices.
♥ Kale
Kale is rich in iron, beta-carotene, vitamin C, chlorophyll, calcium, potassium and sulfur. In addition has anti-viral and antibiotic properties. Kale has also been used to treat constipation and arthritis. It has a sweet and slightly bitter flavour; it can be used in salads, vegetable juices, soups, and can be steamed or stir-fried.
♥ Cucumbers
Are a very refreshing vegetable especially during the hot summer months. Cucumbers are high in water, fiber, and minerals such as silica, potassium, magnesium and phosphorus. In addition, cucumbers contain vitamin E, vitamin C, folic acid, beta-carotene and an enzyme erepsin which helps digest protein and kill tapeworms. Furthermore cucumbers are both a diuretic and laxative, and are the best kidney cleanser. They are alkaline and can reduce uric acid in the body. But most of all cucumbers are low in calories, and go very well with avocados and nuts of all types. They can be also used is salads and juicing.
♥ Red radishes
Are high in B, E C, iron, potassium, silicon and sulfur. Furthermore they contain an enzyme diatase which aids in the digestion of starches. Radishes are considered diuretic and are the most beautifying food. They are especially beneficial for skin, hair, nails, teeth and gums. In addition radishes clean also the liver, increase bile flow and prevent constipation. I add red radishes to my salads and wraps; I also eat them with my home-made dips or just on their own with a little bit of sea salt. In conclusion red radishes add sweetness, punginess and colour to your dish.
♥ Onion
Contain two powerful antioxidants, sulfur and quercetin. Sulfur is a beautifier; it cleanses the liver and skin, and helps build the connective tissue in the body. Quercetin has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties and also helps neutralize the free radicals in the body. It also reduces the risk of certain cancers. Onions go very well with avocados, nuts and seeds. I used them extensively in my homemade nut and seed pates.
In conclusion these healing and beautifying foods are only a few among a long list that will maintain health of our body, not only nutritionally but therapeutically. So try to incorporate at least a few into your daily menu. Your body will thank you.
Love and Light