13 Reasons to Eat Raw Food

13 Reasons to Eat Raw Food
What is Raw live food? – eat raw food
Raw food is living food that has not been heated at high temperatures or processed by any means.
Eating raw comes easy for me, as I was always a big fan of fruits and vegetables. I eat 80% raw food, and I have more energy, better concentration, balanced weight… the list goes on. But hey – these are my experiences. Eating raw is not for everyone, and I am not suggesting that you should go raw all the way and you will be healed. My recommendation to get started is to have one raw meal per day. How does that sound? Scary, no way! I promise you that you will soon see the difference.
Hiya Beautiful!
13 Reasons to Eat Raw Food – eat raw food
Eat Raw Food
♥ Improves digestion
We will feel better with less digestion problems when we eat mindfully and incorporate live food into our daily menus. But that is not all – we can also lose inches around our waist.
1. Season your food with herbs and spices such as turmeric, ginger, cumin, cinnamon, anise, mint and rosemary to facilitate digestion.
2. Careful food combining is important to improve digestion and heal the body. Even if your diet is entirely raw and living foods, you will still benefit with properly combined, nutrient-dense whole plant foods.
3. Always have a big energy salad at the beginning of your meal, as the enzymes will aid digestion. Choices include vegetables, avocado, sprouted seeds, nuts, and vegetable sprouts.
4. Fresh juices aid in digestion they are easy to absorb, and are available to every cell in the body. They contain phytochemicals, protein, carbohydrates, chlorophyll, minerals, vitamins, enzymes, and they supply valuable electrolytes and oxygen to the cells.
Juice enzymes aid in digestion, assimilation, and detoxification.
♥ Improves intestinal health
Our colon needs plenty of fiber, especially soluble fibers such as pectin and gels from raw fruits and vegetables, greens and sprouts. Also, certain fermented foods such as raw sauerkraut, sour pickles and sour beets that feed the friendly lactobacillus bacteria in the colon, can be beneficial to cleanse the harmful intestinal bacteria and contribute to better digestion and assimilation of nutrients.
♥ Cleanses and detoxifies the body
Adopting more organic living plant foods such as raw green leafy vegetables, green juices, green powdered super foods, herbs, fruits with high water content and good quality water daily can provide a slow and gentle cleansing of the whole body.
♥ Lowers the number of free radicals.
The goal is to eat as many antioxidants and anti-inflammatory foods as possible, to boost the immunity. Antioxidants prevent free radical damage. Foods full of antioxidants are arugula, watercress, broccoli, cabbage, brussels sprouts, red and black radishes, cucumbers, nettles, garlic, kale, onions, cucumbers, coconuts, coconut oil, nuts, figs, olives, papayas, aloe vera, hemp seeds, pumpkin seeds, burdock root, turmeric, raw sprouted seeds, nuts, and wheat grass.
♥ Gives more energy, strengthen the immune system and improves memory and concentration
Eating bio-energetic food daily is our most important insurance for good health. Foods that are fresh and live, such as leafy green vegetables, sunflower and pumpkin seeds, nuts, and deliciously rich chocolate made from pure cacao, will boost your energy and stamina.
♥ Helps maintain a healthy body weight
When we eat food that comes into our system in live raw form they help us in weight loss, as they can break down excess fat, repair our DNA and RNA, prevent clotting, and make hormones.
♥ Provides more dietary fiber
Fiber makes you feel full…it is essential for the elimination of toxins from the bowel. A good bowel movement at least once a day is important for a healthy immune system. Fiber is the part of plant food that your body cannot digest.
There are two types of fiber – soluble and insoluble. Insoluble fiber speeds up elimination and does not dissolve in water. It is found in whole grain breads, cauliflower, dried beans, flaxseeds, fruit skins, and whole grain pasta. Soluble fiber dissolves in water and soaks all the toxins in the bowel. It is found in apples, oranges, lentils, beets, and carrots.
We need at least 35 grams, and ideally 40 to 70 grams of fiber-rich food daily for bowels to work efficiently.
♥ Prevents constipation
Eating plenty of fresh raw food with high fiber content, such as artichokes, radishes, and nettles are important, as they can keep the colon clean and prevent constipation. Drinking warm water with freshly squeezed lemon first thing in the morning is also helpful.
Beets have been used to help with constipation also and low blood sugar. Beets are especially beneficial for the health of colon, kidneys and liver. Broccoli helps prevent high blood pressure, constipation, and toxemia, and assists with the digestion of fats.
♥ Helps to alkalize the body
A balance of acidity and alkalinity in our body is essential, and eating a proper balance of acid and alkaline foods daily is the key.
We need both acid and alkaline forming food to be balanced and healthy. However, the average person is more acidic than ideal, and to achieve the ideal level of alkalinity can be a challenge.
Acid-forming foods such as beans, nuts, dairy, grains, flesh foods and white sugar can create inflammation and tissue degeneration within the body. Furthermore, they cause puffiness, stiffness, asymmetry, itchy skin and water retention.
Watercress is highly alkaline` and neutralizes acid in the blood and in the body. Cucumbers are both a diuretic and laxative, and are the best kidney cleanser. They are alkaline, and can reduce uric acid in the body. Arugula is highly alkaline. Romaine lettuce is alkaline and contains more nutrients than any other lettuce. Zucchini is alkaline, packed with nutrients just to name a few.
♥ Slows the aging process
Certain foods can make us beautiful, while some can cause inflammation on a cellular level, resulting in premature aging and wrinkles, and disease conditions such as cancer, stroke, heart problems, diabetes, allergies, autoimmune disorders and Alzheimer
It is essential to load up on antioxidants to maintain a youthful, young looking skin. Of course, eating a variety of organic fruits and vegetables that contain sulphur, silica, vitamin A, and vitamin C, can stimulate blood flow and collagen formation. The goal is to eat as many anti-aging and anti-inflammatory foods as possible, to boost the immunity and obtain lustrous hair, vibrant glowing skin, and strong healthy nails.
♥ Enhances brain function
Certain foods we eat can power our brain function while some can cause inflammation on a cellular level. Eating lots of carbohydrates, sugar, and bad fats can have a negative impact on our health! These foods are processed fast and give us instant pleasure, so they satisfy emotion-based cravings. But this is only temporary – because they have no nutritional value, we starve our brain. We become weak and sluggish and even hungrier.
♥ Lowers blood sugar level
High blood sugar can lead to addiction and create hypoglycemia and diabetes.
When sugar levels rise, our body must immediately supply a high level of insulin, in order to move sugar from the blood into other body tissues and organs. When food is rapidly converted to sugar in the bloodstream, it causes glycation. Glycation is the process where sugar attaches to collagen present in the skin and other parts of the body; it causes inflammation and irritation of our organs and tissues. Inflammation produces special enzymes that break down collagen, resulting in wrinkles and scars.
♥ Preserves its naturally occurring enzyme.
Enzymes are proteins and catalysts that carry out all the biological processes in the body. Life would not be possible without the work of enzymes. They are essential for the utilization of vitamins, minerals, hormones, essential fats, amino acids and other substances. There are three different groups of enzymes.
The third group that I want to mention is in raw, live, natural food. These enzymes are released when food is chewed into smaller particles and mixed with saliva; they break down cell walls in the food. When we eat food that comes into our system in live raw form, we preserve our own internal enzyme stores and maximize health.
When we eat food that comes into our system in live raw form, we preserve our own internal enzyme stores and maximize health.
Fruits and Vegetables