Food Shapes Body Mind Emotions
Food Shapes Our Body Mind and Emotions
Hiya Beautiful!
I am excited to share with you a Chapter 1 from my new book Sexy Fit and Fabulous: 130 Raw Food Recipes, Tools and Tips for Radiant Health, A Slim Body, Abundant Energy and Timeless Beauty.
Food Shapes Body Mind Emotions
‘You are what you eat’ is an expression that has crossed generations. However, it is not just what you eat, but how efficiently you digest and absorb your food. Food heals, prevents, and in some cases fights disease. Food shapes body mind emotions also. What we eat and how we eat also reflects a state of harmony within ourselves, the environment and the planet.
Certain foods can make us beautiful, while some can cause inflammation on a cellular level, resulting in premature aging and wrinkles, and disease conditions such as cancer, stroke, heart problems, diabetes, allergies, utoimmune disorders and Alzheimer.
Knowing this, it is easier to become conscious about our food choices. The goal is to eat as many anti-aging antioxidants and anti-inflammatory foods as possible, to boost the immunity and obtain lustrous hair, vibrant glowing skin, and strong healthy nails. Antioxidants prevent free radical damage, which causes fine lines, wrinkles and sagging skin.
Eating nutrient and mineral-rich raw plant-based food such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, sprouts, spices and sea vegetables, will allow the body to shift automatically into a new healthy pattern. When you experience this, you will never want to go back!
To create attractiveness, magnetism and charm we need to eat beautifying food.
Living Plant Food For More Energy – Food Shapes Body Mind Emotions
Why raw food? What is raw?
People often ask me these questions. Eating raw comes easy for me, as I was always a big fan of fruits and vegetables. I eat 80% raw food, and I have more energy, better concentration, balanced weight… the list goes on. But hey – these are my experiences. Eating raw is not for everyone, and I am not suggesting that you should go raw all the way and you will be healed. My recommendation to get started is to have one raw meal per day. How does that sound? Scary, no way! I promise you that you will soon see the difference.
So, what is raw? Raw food is living food that has not been heated at high temperatures or processed by any means.
Nutrient rich food is digested easily; it strengthens the immune system, helps with memory and concentration, and cleanses and detoxifies the body. In addition, you will feel better, have more energy and maintain a more balanced weight.
When you eat fresh living foods you become more in touch with your feelings, experience more joy, love and peace. You develop a higher intuition. You become more deeply alive. But most of all, with eating live food you will achieve lustrous hair, vibrant glowing skin, strong healthy nails and sparkling eyes.
Finally, raw food has more enzymes, vitamins, minerals, fibres, and phytonutrients than cooked food.
Love and Light