Green Smoothie Recipe

Glowing Green Smoothie
Kalerama green smoothie – so green, refreshing and full of chlorophyll – one of my favourite ways to get all the nutrients at once.
In addition nutrients in fresh smoothies are more highly bioavailable and they are easy to digest. So, you can’t go wrong with your fresh green smoothie in the morning, as it will keep you well hydrated, provide you with antioxidants, fiber, vitamins and minerals and build the immune system.
KALE – Green Smoothie with Kale
Kale is rich in iron, sulfur, vitamin C, beta-carotene, chlorophyll and calcium. It contains powerful anticancer compounds that protect against breast, lung and colon cancer. In addition, it has a cleansing effect on the body and its high fibre content helps cleanse the intestinal tract. Kale can be added to salads or included in vegetable juices.
Moreover, kale is rich in iron, beta-carotene, vitamin C, chlorophyll, calcium, potassium and sulfur. It has anti-viral and antibiotic properties. Kale has been used to treat constipation and arthritis.
Kale has a sweet and slightly bitter flavor. It can be used in salads, vegetable juices, soups, and can be steamed or stir-fried.
SPINACH – green smoothie with spinach
Spinach is rich in vitamin C, K, A, manganese, folic acid, zinc, selenium, magnesium, iron, phosphorous, potassium, calcium, and omega-3 fatty acids. It contains a health-promoting phytonutrients such as beta carotene, lutein and zeaxanthin. Spinach is also anti-inflammatory and has anticancer properties.Save
Kalerama Green Smoothie
The best green smoothie recipe – Kale is packed with nutrients, its high fibre content helps cleanse the intestinal tract. Kale is rich in iron, sulfur, potassium, vitamin C, folic acid, beta-carotene, chlorophyll and calcium. Moreover, they contain powerful anticancer compounds that protect against breast, lung and colon cancer. Kale have also a cleansing effect on the body. It has antibiotic and antiviral properties and its high fibre content helps cleanse the intestinal tract.
♥ 2 cups baby spinach
♥ 1 cup curly parsley
♥ 1/2 cup kale
♥ 1 inch fresh ginger
♥ 1 Granny Smith apple
♥ Water to a smooth consistency
1. Mix all the ingredients in a high power blender until smooth.