Ageless Body-Conscious Mind

The Key to an Ageless Body and Conscious Mind
Hiya Beautiful,
Ageless Body-Conscious Mind
According to Deepak Chopra, there are psychological, biological and chronological ages. Chronological age is the age according to your birth certificate. Biological age is based on the condition of your organs, cells and tissues, in comparison with others of the same chronological age. Psychological age is how old you feel you are. So if somebody asks you how old you are, think about your three ages before you answer!
How many times have you guessed a person’s age and were surprised when they looked much younger or older than your guess? Some people say “It is all in your genes”. But our biological age is determined only 10 to 15 percent by the genes. 85 to 90 percent is our lifestyle – how we eat, exercise, manage stress, view life, and take care of our most intimate relationships and feelings.
If we want to live longer and healthier, it is up to us how we take care of ourselves on a daily basis. Starting early is the key to an age-less body and mind.
From 20’s to 30’s – Ageless Body-Conscious Mind
1. Cellulite might start showing. Try dry skin brushing and rebounding 10 minutes per day to increase circulation and better lymph flow.
2. Non-smokers look ten years younger than smokers. Now is a good time to quit if you are a smoker. One cigarette contains 4.000 chemicals. Smoking, excessive sun exposure, chemicals in air and water, radiation, stress, and food sources such as vegetable oils and meat cooked at high temperatures (frying and barbequing) are potent sources of free radicals. Free radicals are highly reactive and unstable molecules that damage healthy cells.
3. Enhance your everyday diet with good sources of protein, vitamin rich organic fruits and vegetables, and essential fatty acids (EFA’s) through beneficial oils such as evening primrose, borage and flaxseed oils.
4. Don’t forget good quality water, exercise, restful sleep and good face sunscreen.
5. Moisturise your skin with food! Honey, avocado, banana, yoghurt, and coconut oil can be used externally as well as internally as skin moisturisers. I use coconut oil all over my body. All of this is critical in keeping your biological age low.
♥ Mix avocado and olive oil with a little bit of freshly squeezed lemon in a small bowl. You can also add pure raw unpasteurized honey.
♥ Apply to the face and leave it on for 15 minutes.
♥ Pat the oil and wash it off with warm water.
Avocado is very nourishing for the skin, especially for dry skin, as it contains vitamin A, E and D. When applied topically, it facilitates collagen production, and reduces inflammation.
NOTE: Use only ripe organic avocado for the best results.
This homemade avocado mask softens the skin, speeds up detoxification, replaces lost moisture and gives you a glowing complexion
40’s – Ageless Body-Conscious Mind
1. Natural collagen production diminishes. Collagen is a connective-tissue protein that keeps skin together, forms the skin, ligaments, bone and tendons.
2. Eating protein rich foods is important as the amino acids help with production of collagen.
3. EFA’s have an anti-inflammatory effect, and give you radiant and healthy skin. If you eat meat choose deep water fish such as Sokeye or Alaskan salmon, and Spirulina, Hemp, Flaxseed and Black currant oils as plant sources of Omega 3.
4. Sea vegetables are loaded with nutrients, and organic fruits and vegetables have a cleansing and rejuvenating effect.
5. Cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, kale, and cauliflower have an anti-cancer effect and balance hormones.
6. Beans and lentils are rich in EFA’s and fibre, and balance blood sugar.
7. And at last but not least, always drink plenty of good quality water for hydration of your skin and cells. You will feel energetic, and not go searching for another coffee.
50’s – Ageless Body-Conscious Mind
1. We experience decline in vision, hearing diminishes, memory weakens, estrogen plummets and skin loses moisture and elasticity.
2. Protect your skin from harsh chemicals at home and work, and from the outside environment.
3. Hydrate your body with good quality water.
4. Use natural organic cosmetics, soaps and detergents.
5. Care for your skin internally and externally. Moisturise your body with organic coconut oil and you will smell delicious.
6. I highly recommend eating ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity), which means food with the most antioxidant capacity. These foods are blueberries, plums, cherries, bee pollen, strawberries, raisins, green and white tea, onions, kale, tomatoes, and broccoli sprouts.
7. Blue green algae like spirulina, chlorella, wheat and barley grass, sea vegetables such as Dulse, Arame, Wakame, Hijiki are all powered with minerals such as iodine, calcium and iron. These foods are anti-aging, anti-inflammatory, and super anti-oxidants. Enjoy them as much as possible.
8. Fresh vegetable juices – approximately two servings a day – are excellent for clearing the skin. You can choose from a variety of deep and rich colored green vegetables and eat plenty of fresh orange and yellow organic fruits and vegetables. They are high in Beta carotene, an antioxidant and precursor of vitamin A. A deficiency of vitamin A can result in scaly dry skin.
9, Essential Fatty Acids are the best for dry skin. Flaxseed oil, especially, is rich in omega 3 and omega-6 fatty acids, protein and vitamins E, A and B. Healthy oils to have in stock are hempseed oil, evening primrose oil, black currant oil and borage seed oil. These oils are excellent sources of omega 6 Fatty acids GLA (Gamma-linolenic acid); they can strengthen skin cells and boost their moisture content.
10. I suggest you remove pro-inflammatory foods such as sugar, white pasta, white rice, rice cakes, white potatoes, chips and bread. Sugar breaks down proteins in the body, attaches to collagen in the skin and other parts in the body causing wrinkling of the skin and stiff joints.
Watch what you eat and have a positive body image. It will reflect on your face, behaviour and appearance.