Arugula Black Mission Figs Salad with Macadamia Riccota

Salad Ingredients
Arugula black mission figs salad – I love this arugula salad. Salads are easy and fast to make from a variety of fresh colourful greens, sprouts, vegetables and fruits. Therefore, you can eat them as many as you want have them for lunch as your main course or simply as a side dish.
Arugula black mission figs, great combination. I eat a big bowl of salad every day, sometimes even more than one bowl a day. I encourage you to take advantage of this beautiful summer offerings and eat at least two big bowls of salad every day – the more color and texture the better. You will feel lighter and satisfied, as well as achieving a balance weight with no deprivation.
Here it is, my delicious dessert Arugula Black Mission Figs Salad with a little sweet and a little peppery flavor.
So let’s talk about arugula. Arugula, also known as roquette or rocket; is a pungent and highly alkaline cruciferous vegetable. It neutralizes acid waste products from the blood and lymphatic system and has antiviral and antibiotic properties.
Arugula is a leafy vegetable that is a great source of folic acid and calcium. Furthermore, arugula is a cruciferous vegetable and a member of the same family as cabbage and broccoli, and like all such vegetables, contains cancer-fighting phytochemicals called indoles.
In addition, arugula contains dithiolethiones which is an anticancer and antioxidant compound recommended by the American Cancer Society. It also contains beta carotene, vitamin A, calcium, iron and sulphur. Sulphur is the mineral that can detoxify liver, create mineralized hair, nails and glowing skin. Arugula’s strong and spicy peppery/mustardy flavour gives a little punch when mixed with milder greens and salads. Also, arugula is easy to grow and I just picked some young leaves again from my garden today and it’s already mid-October. All arugula recipes are my favorite. You have to try it!
Mission Figs – a powerful aphrodisiac
Mission figs are luscious soft plump fruits rich in folic acid, iron, magnesium, manganese, calcium, phosphorous and potassium. In addition, they have no fat, no sodium and no cholesterol. They promote bone density because of its good source of calcium. Figs are a great laxative as they provide more fibre than any other common fruit or vegetable. The fibre in figs is both soluble and insoluble. Figs also help dissolve mucus in the intestines.
Especially, mission fig is famous for its distinctive flavour. The fresh fruit exhibits a deep purple shade, which darkens to a rich black when dried, making this fig an aesthetic, as well as an edible, delight in all recipes.
Macadamia Nuts – contains over 80 percent beautifying fatty acids
Macadamia nut is a source of selenium, iron, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, carbohydrates and fibre. In addition, macadamia is high in zinc which is the beauty mineral and fat. Their fat contains over 80 percent beautifying monounsaturated fatty acids such as oleic acid (omega 9), which is a good fat.
Oleic acid significantly reduces blood serum cholesterol levels. It can enhances the protective high-density lipoproteins and suppressing low-density lipoproteins. According to the latest research macadamias also contain palmitoleic acid a monounsaturated fatty acids that acts as an antioxidant, which can prevent deterioration of cell membranes. I helps restore damaged and sunburned skin and also rejuvenates the liver. Furthermore, macadamia contains phytonutrient compounds, flavonoids, phytoestrogens, phytic acids, ellargic acid, saponins and lignans. Save
Arugula Black Mission Figs Salad with Macadamia Ricotta
♥ 6 – 8 fresh black Mission figs, halved
♥ 2 cups arugula
♥ 2 tbsp olive oil
♥ 1 cup raw macadamia nuts
♥ ½ tsp Celtic salt
♥ Fresh ground black pepper
1. In salad bowl toss the arugula with olive oil and sprinkle with lemon, salt and pepper
2. Place arugula on a plate, arrange figs over the top and sprinkle with macadamia ricotta
Macadamia Ricotta
♥ 1 cup macadamia nuts
♥ ½ lemon, freshly squeezed
♥ Celtic salt to taste
♥ Coconut water to a smooth consistency
1. Mix all the ingredients in a blender until smooth.
NOTE: Arugula black mission figs – goes very well together…you should try it! Let me know how you enjoyed this recipe in the comments below. I would love your feedback!

I’m ready!
It is time to detox my body and be Sexy Fit & Fabulous from the inside out.